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A Case for Kanye

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

In an election year where candidates of both major political parties are accused of having too good of a time with kids, it's easy to lose track of your principles and want to party with children yourselves. Too often do people formulate excuses and apologize for the shortcomings of the candidate that is running for the party that they are registered to or identify with. Enter Kanye West. The iconoclastic genius, mothafuckin' wordsmith who is most certainly not a gay fish, and is also married to an unnamed celebrity who never ventured with Thotin Oakenshield to liberate Mount Doom from Smaug, has thrown his (now non) MAGA hat into the ring as a potential contender for the 2020 presidency.

There's a lot of baggage that Ye carries with him; he's a self admitted manic depressive with extreme episodes. He has supported DJT despite his past criticism of the Republican Party (RE: George Bush hates black people [worth watching if for no other reason than Mike Myers' reaction}) and advocacy on policies that had previously been considered taboo. He is irrational, unhinged, and to be frank, retarded.

But there is hope in a Kanye presidency for 2020. For starters, Ye is one of the most transparent people on the planet. He has been transparent through emotional breakdowns, manic episodes, and just your day to day Kanyeeziness. Despite his inability to be rational, he is at the very least transparent in his thoughts and somewhat aware of his limitations (refer to 2018 album cover). He is so dumb that he is a genius, and this is the mark of a great leaders.

To top it off, West is running against a man who he has previously praised and idolized. This act proves that he isn't intimidated by competition. Lastly, if you don't vote for Kanye, you're a racist.

In summary, writing Kanye off as a clown candidate is just as lazy as voting for two pedos is. Give love a chance. I know that I can still Feel the Love.


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